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Your paper: Style and substance


Research is difficult, sure—but good writing can be even harder. I help you to create a more polished paper.

You've worked hard on your paper—all those hours in the library!—and you know your subject really well. Your citations are watertight, your bibliography extensive. Your professor, adviser, or journal editor is sure to be impressed.

Still, it can be tough to pull all your ideas together into a coherent paper—one that's not only  grammatically correct, but even has a certain style. (This is especially difficult if English isn’t your first language.)

That’s where I can help you. As a professional editor, I've spent many years helping people make their work scholastic, yet readable.

Whether you’re a grad student with a thesis or dissertation, or a professor with an article or book for publication, I make sure that:

  • your text says exactly what you mean it to say

  • your writing sounds fluid and natural

  • your spelling and phrasing are correct and consistent

  • your tables and charts are formatted in a readable way

  • your citations, references, footnotes, and bibliography conform to the appropriate style (APA, MLA, Chicago, or other).


I also help you to pack more content into your word count. If you’ve reached the 15,000-word length limit for your paper, for example, but you still haven't covered all you want to say—I can trim your text so you can expand your ideas.

I can usually shorten a document by 10–30%, with no loss of meaning, just by streamlining your text and eliminating any redundancies.

And if you want to repurpose your paper for a popular publication, I'm skilled at rephrasing stiff and formal writing to be more approachable and reader-friendly.

Let's talk, and see how I can help you!

Antonia Morton, Editor

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